Winter Wonderland MSSRT Dinner & Auction 2022

Winter Wonderland MSSRT Dinner & Auction 2022
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Mt. Spokane Ski Race Team (MSSRT) is Spokane's homegrown and ever-growing alpine ski racing team established in 1959 on the slopes of beautiful, accessible Mt. Spokane. MSSRT annually serves approximately 100 student athletes and their dedicated families. There is a unique mixture of introductory, development and elite alpine training, under the guidance of committed coaches, while competing in alpine and speed events at Mt. Spokane and throughout the Pacific Northwest (PNW).

With the support of local, regional and national partners, we are able to engage area youth from age 5 through young adult in the lifetime pursuit of active recreation, character development and healthy sportsmanship. Some of our older student athletes train year-round while maintaining exemplary school standings in efforts to bring recognition to the Mt. Spokane Ski & Recreation Area, the city of Spokane and the Inland Northwest. Our youngest participants return year after year as emerging stewards of their natural environment and proud ambassadors for our unique urban mountain community. Many are second and third generation Spokanites! We appreciate your interest in MSSRT and applaud your effort to support our distinct commitment to alpine education, funding essential race training and safety equipment and helping us meet fundraising goals to elevate our existing relationships with Mt. Spokane, the City of Spokane Parks and Recreation and the Washington State Special Olympics. MSSRT is a non profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible, Tax ID# 91-2070059 (Mt. Spokane Alpine Team).
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